|Targeted Diagnostic Assessments

What We Do

Face-to-face (or on virtual platform) connections with people at all levels in your organisation to skillfully assess and understand the pain points and burning platforms either organisationally or targeted to your specific needs and outcomes.  These connections are also used to give your people a voice and ownership in crafting the solutions to their pain points/burning platforms.

We use our extensive skill and deep expertise to connect with your leaders in individual engagements and with your teams in group engagements. Where required, we augment these connections with targeted online surveys and we also do an extensive review of your existing organisational context and insights (previous surveys, diagnostics and similar interventions, exit interview information).

Our robust methodology has proven to provide the quality of outcomes that translate into beneficial organisational insights which can be used to co-create tangible, measurable and sustainable action plans aligned with your goals and objectives for enhanced organisational, leadership and team effectiveness.

The Benefits

Impartial, personal, targeted and focused engagements

Hearing the authentic voice of your people

Insightful outcomes report and presentation with recommendations

Our expertise in working with you to co-create tangible, measurable action plans aligned to the input of your people

Our in-depth approach that turns traditional “tick-box” initiatives into tangible outcomes aligned to your strategic and operational objectives

For more information or to enquire about this service, get in touch with us!